The Change Leadership Framework®

help-salesThe Change Leadership Framework is a way of thinking about and leading change. It operates on the premise that salespeople create the most value when they help customers achieve their goals.

The Change Leadership Framework is comprised of five disciplines:

1. Force Field Analysis: What forces is the person experiencing?

Change Leadership Framework

2. Change Response Analysis: How will the person respond to the forces?

3. Power Analysis: What effort will be required to make the desired change?

4. Value Creation: What will be the value of making the change?

5. Change Actuation: How will the change be made?

Why is it important?

What causes people to change? How do people decide to change? How do people make change?

To lead change, you must study the answers to these questions, which we call the “psychology of change.” To implement your learning in practice, it is often helpful to organize the disparate concepts in a “framework.” Frameworks make the concepts easier to understand and remember, and they serve as a kind of recipe for acting on the concepts. The Change Leadership Framework® was created, therefore, to capture key concepts in the psychology of change and to describe a process for leading change in people and organizations.

How is it new or different?

This change-centric approach, which applies concepts of change psychology to the selling process, is an important evolution in selling theory. Over the last 20 years top sales professionals have been taught to uncover the customer’s problem, define a solution, and discover the benefits of solving the problem—a reactive process that, today, occurs more and more frequently over the Internet, thereby devaluing the role of the salesperson. To preserve their value and prevent their company’s products from becoming low-margin commodities, salespeople must proactively create value by leading the changes necessary to unlock customer value.

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